How to properly create Social Media accounts

Firstly the word “account” was used in reference to bank accounts. But not too long ago, with the rise of the Internet, the term has migrated to the area of information technology. Now the account is a set of data that describes the user. In contrast to login, which only identifies him, account contains more information. In each case, it may be a different set of data.

Why do I need a Social Media account?

When registering for any resource like social network Facebook or messenger WhatsApp or Skype, you setup an account. Sometimes it is also called a profile. First and foremost, it contains your email. Why would you need to enter your email address? That’s because the administration of resource is trying to prevent multiple registrations. This happens as follows: you are sent a specially generated email with a link by following which you can complete the registration. It means that in order to make many accounts you need lots of email addresses. As well binding to email can uniquely identify the visitor.

Why should I fill a Social profile?

Your profile may also contain additional information, such as name of your company, your partners, your services, logo and so on. Usually, the need of any data is well founded. The services of your company specified in your account can be picked up by the Social Network for showing to your potential clients. Also ads are shown to users according to their interests and services you’re offering. Logical fact is that if a person is interested in gardening, the new shovel will cause him much more interest than the computer desk.

Instructions for signing up in Facebook

Creating an account in Facebook

Facebook is almost the most popular social network in the world. There you can find both old friends and acquaintances, or make new ones. This instruction is very simple. Following it you will quickly register and begin to fill out your profile. Let’s go!

    1. Go to the official website Do not worry, everything will be all in your mother tongue there!
    2. Right away you will see a registration form on the homepage. It needs to be filled.Facebook registration
  1. In general that is all. This is quite enough to use Facebook. But at first you’ll be asked to connect the email address, Skype and your other accounts in order to find your friends. This step can be skipped.

Creating a business page on Facebook

Why exactly a business page? The answer is simple. Business pages are open for indexing by search engines, and it is only a plus for promotion. Moreover, it can be set so that the articles will appear on Facebook after posting it on the blog site. So, let’s start!

In order to start go to link There we discover the following picture:

facebook company page

We choose “Company, organization or institution” for sites providing services. For content projects we choose “Brand or product”. Decide yourself what to choose.

If you choose the type of page different from “Cause or Community”, then you’ll need to select a category for your page.

facebook sign up

Chosen category plays a great role in Graph Search (Facebook’s search engine). Think carefully, so people can find you easier.

To proceed further in creating your page you must agree to Facebook’s terms.

facebook page setup

Next, enter the basic information about your company and set logo.
Don’t forget to post something to show Facebook that your page is alive. And don’t hesitate to like it.

*Each business uses different types of social media accounts, and will manage things differently. As a general guide, you may want to checkout which types of social media the majority of your cutting-edge, online competitors are using, and make sure to use those too. If there are other types of social media that you believe will be beneficial to your company, you may want to explore them aswell. However, you want to avoid overwhelming people with social media icons on your website, so make sure to be selective.