How Online and Tech Companies are Unique

There are online and tech companies that started new ways of relating and applying this kind of attitude into the corporate culture. They have differentiated themselves, because besides the nature of the product offered, they added ideas and innovative practices that go beyond common sense and stimulate a new kind of corporative behavior.

At Google, for example, it is possible to observe that the “different attitude” rooted in the premises of their offices, with an available relaxation room, a slide and many other entertaining attractions. Apple, meanwhile, has revolutionized the world of technology and ideas, conquering markets in truly unique ways.

There is even a Brazilian entrepreneur who has become a worldwide reference in business magazines when it comes to innovative management. Throughout the 1980’s, executive manager Ricardo Semler, created a non-conventional methodology of administration for Semco Inc. To give you an idea, among other things, he created a committee called “Ur Crazy.” The principle was simple: a forum for different ideas that might just leave something approved if someone spoke the phrase “You’re crazy!”

These are people and companies who think differently, looking forward to being out of the ordinary and fleeing from the traditional. The truth is that today there is no room for ordinary products for the masses. Consumers want products and companies want particular professionals, while all kinds of media want to promote the unusual, unconventional – the extraordinary.

Philip Kotler, during one of his wise lectures, said that “if you innovate very often you’ll have many failures, but if you do not innovate, you’ll be wiped off the map. So, you have no choice.”

It really sounds a lot like Darwin’s theory of evolution and, ultimately, that is what actually happens in practice. Being different is really what makes a difference. For a unique approach to your website design, from Omnivision Design, a Montreal-based internet marketing company here to serve, and are constantly innovating and refining internal processes.