Pros and Cons of Using Trends in Your Web Design

Good designs should never be based on trends, but this is not to say that trends should not be followed. If anything, the majority of web design clients want their sites to follow the current trends to make the sites functional and aesthetically pleasing. However, behind every trendy website, solid design principles should be followed so that when the trend finally dies there will be no need to redesign the entire site due to lost relevance.

Pros of trends in web design

Here are some of the pros of adopting trends in web design

Current-looking websites: by following trends, you will have websites that relate to users quickly, thus increasing the likeability of the site which may in turn lead to the site being more successful. Besides, websites built following trends are always visually appealing.

More design options: there are always many trends in web design. Technology changes at a drop of a hat, as do design concepts which web designers can use in creating websites. This ensures that there are a great deal of options and developers will never lack choices when it comes to following web design trends.

Better performing sites: unlike in other industries, most of the trends experienced in web design are primarily geared towards creating better performing sites and enhancing the user experience. For example, mobile friendliness, flat designs and the use of fewer photos have all led to the creation of very beautiful, easy to use and extremely functional websites. It means that by following trends, developers and designers are able to give clients better performing sites.

The only disadvantage with designing websites following trends, is that trends come and go, and when that happens, the site may lose its relevance as far as the design aspect is concerned. Additionally, you will only benefit from trends when you get in early. Sometimes this is just not possible, and by the time the site development is complete, the trend may have died out.